Call +44 (0) 1179 666 761 or email info@besdecon.net to speak to our specialist team
BES Decon offers hospitals and laboratories innovative solutions for infection control and decontamination of air, surfaces, equipment, and clinical waste.
BES Decon mainly focuses on the supply and maintenance of washing, disinfection, sterilisation, and waste management equipment into hospitals.
This page features industry-related articles and updates about standards.
You may already be aware of the Medical Devices Regulation (MDR) that comes into full force from 26 May, and you might have thought that it is just something that only applies to manufacturers of medical devices and therefore not given it much more consideration.
In the current financial environment, to dispense with recurring problems, while at the same time saving money (rather than spending more), sounds too good to be true.
The overall objective of the event is to help optimise Theatres and SSDs to their full potential. Thierry Wagner will be joined by other industry experts to discuss up-to-date information about standards and processes during this two-day event, which is set to be the most educational of the year.
Sterile Services and Theatres: Two Important Roles, One Common Challenge
On the first day of the 2016 WFHSS congress in Brisbane, there were a number of papers presented that were of interest in the endoscopy reprocessing world. Here's our round-up.
Make sure your sealer meets the standard
Dr Barend ter Haar, Chairman of BES Rehab Ltd, presents Wraps VS Containers – A talk for Hospital Sterile Service Departments and Theatres. This presentation was recorded from the Annual BES Seminar Event 2017 on 17/10/17, Crown Plaza Birmingham, UK.
Find out about BES Decon's economic and flexible decontamination solutions
At the WFHSS Congress in Brisbane, Harry Shaffer from Colorado presented the results of independent research he carried out to compare the effectiveness of rigid containers versus wraps in protecting against the ingress of bacteria through the Sterile Barrier System (SBS), and came out with some alarming results.
We have made a full guide on what measures BES Healthcare will take to protect our customers and staff.
BES looks forward to continuing its fruitful relationship with Zign – distributing the MedZense throughout the UK, and promoting the safeguarding of patients through in-hospital testing.
Advancing Patient Safety in Laparoscopy: The Active Electrode Monitoring System by Vangie Dennis RN, CNOR, CMLSO
The DGSV has published guidelines recommending the use of the ISO 11607-2 packaging standard.
Our VacioPak, currently being trialled at Cowlairs decontamination unit in Glasgow, is proving to be of great benefit. Click to find out more!